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Vertigo App launches “Make the Video” Contest

A few months ago, we introduced you with the “Song Stories”, a feature launched by the social app Vertigo in a bid to redefine music marketing and monetization.

As explained in our previous piece,

“Vertigo users take photos and videos while listening to music. They link their visual status with the songs they are playing. Followers on the app can see and like those visual updates in their feed, and everyone can see the most popular posts in Trending. With “Song Stories”, the music comes directly from platforms like Spotify so, every time, a story is viewed, a stream for the artist is counted on those music streaming platforms, offering a win-win situation to both user and the artist.”

Now, the app has launched a contest series titled “Make A Video” contest. Rewarding best user created visual moments on featured track of the day, Vertigo will include the most liked video in the “Story”, an ever-changing fan created music video made of these most liked scenes.

Music is one of the most effective medium of storytelling. There are always some songs that we all relate to. This contest will give people a chance to showcase their creativity by coming up with ways to tell their stories. Be it #kikichallenge or any other viral trend, people have time and again showed that if given a chance, they can put others in awe. With this contest, they have been provided a medium to share their work and stand out from the crowd.

It will be fun to see what users will come up with.

At the end of each day (8 PM ET, Monday-Friday) you can win exclusive signed merch from the artist, fun perks, or even a nice stack of cash. The app will also give the two runners up gift certificates to the Artist’s merch store.

The contests kicked off July 18th, 2018, and will keep running for the foreseeable future. Full contest rules here:

Entering the Make the Video Contest is easy for existing Vertigo users or those new to the app: “Tap a button, and the contest song will start automatically. It will bring down the viewer to take a video or photo, or add existing video or photo from your device to the song,” explains Dan Yen, COO of Vertigo. “Whoever submits visual content for that song is entered into the contest. That user generated content becomes a post to their feed and all those posts can be liked. The content with the most likes goes to the top of the leaderboard, and whoever remains at the top of the board at the end of the day wins the prize.”

Have you participated in “Make the Video” contest? Tell us via tweet @Fuzzable.